From Manila To Yakima
Every young man dreams of being a rock star at some point when singing along with the radio in the car.
Maybe that is why I always loved the story of Journey's discovery of their current lead singer on YouTube. Remember being blown away by Arnel Pineda the first time you heard him? You have to remember waiting for those key moments in one of the many signature Journey classics we will get to witness this Wednesday, proving he had the vocal range to hang in the neighborhood with Steve Perry. You can't help but want to cheer on a guy that loves a song so much he becomes the song.
Arnel Pineda puts a street credibility to "Don't Stop Believing" that is authentic and genuine.
As a military brat growing up on Okinawa, Japan, I had the opportunity to travel to the Philippines, where Pineda is from. Believe me when I tell you it is an entirely different world there. Sure, the world just feels different from a foreign perspective -- but there it was breathtaking how far removed it was from our everyday view here.
The poverty has depths unseen in the United States, with a special set of political problems that make our divisive political climate seem rather benign. To say that Journey's new lead singer is anything less than a national icon and beloved symbol of hope is putting it mildly. He is one bright shining beacon in an otherwise not too bright or shining moment in that country's unfolding history. He gives them a chance to say, "Hey, our country has art and beauty and culture, and it's something to be proud of." Nothing like a little rock music to cure society's resulting anxiety from politics and unemployment.
I think Yakima is due to kick back and enjoy hit after hit from the rock-juggernaut Journey during our time of heated and seemingly endless political debate. Nothing like singing along to a classic with your buddies right next to you singing just as loudly and horribly. One of the many things I did living abroad in the 1980s was rock out to Journey and pretend to play guitar like Neal Schon. I don't think I ever met a dashboard that didn't get me playing the piano intro to "Faithfully." The songwriting of Journey that took the band to the Hall of Fame has also led to years of playing these American classics to perfection. They never let the songs die and now we get to enjoy a new musical peak for co-founder Schon (lead guitarist), original member Ross Valory (bass), and longtime members Jonathan Cain (keyboardist) and drummer Steve Smith.
Now I don't have fifth-row seats like today's winner, Dave Kyle-Reini, but I am certain there isn't a bad seat to be found at LIVE NATION. Get your tickets to JOURNEY now, because otherwise you'll be wishing you had seen the magic that is about to be displayed Wednesday night. And listen to the Todd & Hendo Show to win fourth-row tickets Tuesday morning as the Countdown to Journey continues!
Here is a clip from the television frenzy that followed the first tour...
Here is the song we played for Monday's winner...
Here is the song Todd and Hendo will play for TUESDAY's FOURTH- ROW SEATS.... (be caller 5 when you hear ...)