How Eating the Best Baked Potato You’ve Ever Had in your Life Will Help the Local Community
You say potato and I say potato. Well, that doesn't quite have the same ring when you're just typing it or reading it. However the baked potato social event is a staple tradition in West Valley and you, as you are every year, are cordially invited to this time-honored tradition where they serve locally farmed baked potatoes complete with all the fixings, a caesar salad, and a soda for a fantastic price. And, again, all for a great cause.
Proceeds for this go towards the West Valley Fire Department. It's always perfectly timed as it's the same night as one of the West Valley High School home football games. Right on time.
And though your $10 purchase goes towards the baked potato, salad and pop they will also have desserts available for additional purchase. It would definitely be worth your while to bring a few extra bucks for this event.
West Valley Fire Association Pototo Feed
October 7, 2022 from 5pm - 8pm
The West Valley High School home game is scheduled for 7pm so if you're doing both, plan accordingly.