Kid Streams Fornite to Raise Money for Dad with Cancer
Cancer sucks! It's touched EVERYONE's life is some way shape or form and Canadians are no different! That's especially true for a young gaming streamer who goes by the handle zylTV,whose father has stage 4 rectal cancer. The young gamer decided to try something to help raise money for his dad's treatment, so he started live streaming on Twitch for 10 hours a day to help raise the funds.
Since doing his 5 day gaming marathon, he got the attention to some heavy hitters in the gaming/streaming community and has raised more than $13,000, far exceeding his goal of $5,000.
After he achieved his goal, ZylTV wrote:
$5000 will go immediately to pay for his fathers care. $3000 will be put into an 'in case of emergency' fund. Anything leftover will be put towards improving the stream.
I just hope, he meant more cancer type charities, and not improving video gaming.