As issued by the Washington State Department of Transportation and the Washington State Patrol it is time for Sunshine and amazing weather! The motorcycles will be out. So don't drink and drive and keep a look out!It is very unfortunate when there is the first warm weather a lot of people go get drunk have a little to much fun and then drive. I understand that everyone is excited about parting and being all excited about it but don't drink and drive and slow down.

Every year on the first beautiful there is a least 3 or 4 bikes that get plowed over by drunk drivers!

Stop and think before you get in your vehicle and please watch for all bikes! Us bikers want to watch our kids grow up and I am sure that the people that are driving cars and trucks do to!

It is hard to see them in an intersection but if you pay attention then you will!


Here is the press release from the Highway patrol!

Washington State Patrol

Media Release

Chief John R. Batiste


-First Sunny Weekend Seems to Bring Motorcycle Crashes-

 Olympia – It might not be THIS weekend, but the Washington State Patrol is gearing up for the first sunny spring weekend of 2013, and the unfortunate motorcycle crashes that always seem to follow.

In a typical year, one or two riders die that first nice weekend, and several more are injured. The reasons are predictable: speeding or driving under the influence.

Washington State Patrol Chief John R. Batiste hates it when his smart phone buzzes with word of yet another fatal collision.

“It’s painful to hear that another family has lost a loved one in a completely preventable motorcycle crash,” Batiste said. “For them, a sunny spring day will always be a reminder of their loss.”


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