Mysterious Orbs Appearing In Yakima Valley Sky Since Day Of Eclipse [VIDEO]
Yesterday, former 94.5 KATS DJ Timmy captured a mysterious, glowing orb in the sky last night in the Sunnyside area. He, of course, exited his vehicle to capture it on his phone's camera.
He described it as "the weirdest damn thing. I was driving my route and I pulled off the freeway at exit 69 in Sunnyside when I saw this weird white line in the sky. I kept watching it and it seemed like it was getting smaller but not really. When I got to my stop, I realized that it was moving very slowly. That's when I got a picture and the video. At first I thought it was like a break in the clouds but the sun was in the wrong spot plus the sun was already really red and on the horizon."
Here is his footage, followed by another couple's vid that was captured on Monday morning before the solar eclipse occurred, also in the Yakima Valley.
What say you? Are you more Fox Mulder or Dana Scully on these?