Lemmy Kilmister Ashes Enshrined With Hellfest Statue in Special Ceremony
UPDATE: According to Blabbermouth, a portion of Lemmy's ashes are enshrined within the new statue at France's Hellfest. On June 23, there will be an official memorialization ceremony taking place after the Scorpions close their set, with Lemmy's Motorhead bandmates Mikkey Dee and Phil Campbell saying a few words before a tribute video is shown and a toast is raised at the monument itself.
UPDATE 2: As previously reported, a memorial service in which Lemmy's ashes would be enshrined with the new statue of the Motorhead frontman at Hellfest took place on Thursday (June 23). A portion of the ceremony can be viewed in the video below along with an Instagram recap of the ceremony.
Making sure that France's Hellfest will always have a Lemmy presence, festival organizers have revealed a new statue for this year's edition that replaces the old one that had been in place.
Following the Motorhead frontman's death in 2015, organizers decided to have a sculpture created to honor the musician at their festival, and the initial piece went up six years ago, but had started to suffer some plaster crumbling.
The new sculpture was the work of artist Caroline Brisset, who accepted the challenge of making the new Lemmy statue for the Hellfest in Clisson, France. You can see Brissett posing in front of the Lemmy statue below.
"Great statue/monument of Lemmy being presented at Hellfest, France," stated Lemmy's former bandmate Mikkey Dee, sharing an image shot by Fernando Bonenfant for The Metal Voice as well. "I can't wait to come back to one of my favorite festivals in Europe." Festival organizers also shared an image with the comment, "Welcome back Lemmy." See several photos and comments below.
Lemmy Kilmister died just days after his 70th birthday on Dec. 29, 2015. The musician was a beloved figure in rock and metal, finding some success in the early '70s with Hawkwind before eventually forming his own band Motorhead, who released 23 studio albums.
Lemmy's larger than life persona was also saluted at his favorite Hollywood hang, the Rainbow Bar and Grill, where a fan-funded statue created by artist Travis Moore is currently situated near the patio bar area of the restaurant.
Photos of Lemmy Kilmister Through the Years
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