People in Washington Don’t Have a Clue How to Spell This Word
Let's be honest, words are hard. You might say them all the time and reading them is no problem but when it comes to how to spell the word when it's your turn to write it down, you start thinking of where the C and the S go in words like exercise or spelling restaurant where you have to say, in your head, REST - AU - RANT or words like tomorrow where you have to remember that, although all the Os have different sounds it's only Os and no other vowels. Or harking back to those old phrases like I before E except after C. Google Trends recently released stats on what words are hardest to spell in each state. These are the words that most have googled how to spell. Fortunately, Google is smart enough so if you misspell it it knows what you were trying to look for, for the most part.
These are the most Googled words on how to spell per state.
For Washington state, the word most Googled to learn how to spell is the word experience.
I suppose I could see that.
It's also fun going through the rest of the states.
In Oregon the word is awkward. That word is, well, awkward to spell.
California it's tomato. Not sure how they could mess that up but okay.
Some states make sense to me like boutonniere in Utah, bologna in New Mexico and separate in Florida.
I think it's funny that the most spell-searched word in Texas is normal.
And, funniest yet, the word most searched for West Virginia is their own state -- West Virginia. People in West Virginia have to look up how to spell West Virginia.
Perhaps it's time they move to a state with less letters like Ohio, something they can sound out.