Questions or Problems Voting? VoteWA.gov is Here to Help You!
If you haven't received it already, your ballot for this November 3rd's election you should be getting it through the USPS mail any time now. If you're like me, you might have some questions. If so, there is a wonderful resource that offers much help available online.
Earlier today, I had a couple of judicial candidates in the studio to record a political advertisement. It got me to thinking about judicial districts and such and I wasn't quite sure how that all worked.
I picked up the phone and called Yakima County Auditor Charles Ross's office to see if he could help me out. Charles himself answered the phone almost immediately and directed me to VoteWA.gov. The site is run through Washington Secretary of State Kim Wyman's office.

To access your voting info, you simply only have to enter your name and date of birth -- provided that you are registered to vote. If you are not, there is a link on the site that will help you accomplish that.
Once you've entered that info, you will then see your current status, voting precinct, address, etc. Make sure it is correct and up to date to avoid any potential problems with your ballot!
You can look up and find out who your current elected officials are. While most of us know who the President of the United States is, do you know who represents you on your city's council? Who the county commissioners are? This is a great resource should you ever need to contact them with an issue, problem or question!
If you like doing your due diligence and research ballot measures and candidates to cast an informed vote, there is even an electronic edition of the voter's pamphlet!
As for my conundrum today, I was able to easily look up all of the contested races for seats on the bench at many different levels.
I hope this helps you as much as it has helped me!
Rock on \m/ \m/
Todd E. Lyons, Esquire
LOOK: Here are 50 political terms you should know before the upcoming election
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