Is It Time To Consider Buying an EV? Sales Are Up in WAIs It Time To Consider Buying an EV? Sales Are Up in WAElectric vehicle sales accounted for 19 percent of all vehicle purchases in Washington state last year which is a 6 percent increase from 2022Lance TormeyLance Tormey
Report: WA State Over 2.9 Million Short of EV Charging Station NeedsReport: WA State Over 2.9 Million Short of EV Charging Station NeedsThe state only has 4,500 charging stations. John McKayJohn McKay
What is ‘Juice Jacking’ & Why Should You Avoid It In Oregon and Washington?What is ‘Juice Jacking’ & Why Should You Avoid It In Oregon and Washington?This tech scam has been ongoing since 2021 but is becoming increasingly popular!Timmy!Timmy!