
YPD responds
YPD responds
YPD responds
After Brian Henderson from KATS-FM's Todd & Hendo morning show called out the Yakima Police Department's response to a recent spate of violent crimes, YPD spokesman Mike Bastinelli offered to come on the show and answer some questions. He showed up Wednesday morning -- here's some of that conversation:
As bad as sex offenders?
As bad as sex offenders?
As bad as sex offenders?
Yakima, you need to sit down. It's time for a family meeting. Things are not going very well in our city. Say what you want about elections, but no one has been getting this problem right in Yakima for awhile. A lot of what ails our community can be summed up by this one map made with Google Maps: This map reminded me of a sex offender map many cities provide parents...
New map shows gang areas
New map shows gang areas
New map shows gang areas
It's been a tough week or so concerning continued gang violence in Yakima, and it's got many of us uneasy and a bit scared. Now a new Google Map plots out the turf of some of Yakima's gangs. I know violence can strike anywhere, but some areas of Yakima might be best avoided if you don't need to go that way.
Violence In Yakima
Violence In Yakima
Violence In Yakima
Before I moved to Yakima I heard how violent and nasty it was. Once I moved here I found that it was actually quite pleasant and, with all the rolling hills and trees, more attractive than I had been led to believe. I was also told that the violence has subsided greatly from what it was 15-20 years ago...
Is Downtown Yakima Safe?
Is Downtown Yakima Safe?
Is Downtown Yakima Safe?
As a virtually lifelong resident of Yakima, I'm surprised by the number of locals who have voiced that downtown Yakima is unsafe and residents are afraid to go there.