Average gasoline prices in Yakima have are up 1.2 cents per gallon in the last week, averaging $3.95 per gallon today, according to GasBuddy's survey of 91 stations in Yakima.
Gas prices in Yakima are up 35.1 cents a gallon selling for an average of $4.92 per gallon on Monday according to GasBuddy's survey of 91 stations in the valley.
Stop before you throw anything else away, and make sure you're not breaking the law while disposing of anything. This list has 6 things you legally can't throw away.
We Washingtonians do a lot of things. With a population that's as diverse as our climate and topography, there is simply no shortage of things to do, that we do. We ski, swim, fish, hunt, recreate, drink beer, drink coffee - oh how we drink coffee - climb mountains, stroll through the desert, grow hops, learn, pray, protest, listen, work, eat - oh how we eat.
The price of gasoline in the state of Washington has reached its highest point in the last seven years. What can a working stiff do to combat the skyrocketing bill we get when filling up with gas?
There are few things...
China countering U.S. protectionism "to the end, and at any cost," over proposed tariffs. Years of work to achieve U.S.-grown rice access to the Chinese market.