There's something about a big burrito that soothes the soul. It's packed with all kinds of delightful ingredients, whether you like chicken, beef, steak, or cheese. We have created a list of the top 5 places in Yakima we think the burritos are extra yummy...
If you've ever been interested in touring a grow farm, call one of many in the Yakima valley and you might be able to toke and tour...I'm not sure if that's a thing yet but I call dibs!
Looking for an amazing dining experience in the Yakima Valley? How about the one you can have at home? We found the five best places to get takeout in the Yakima Valley with real Quality food. Check out the list for yourself and let us know what you get first.
Taco Tuesday only comes once a year, technically...but we like to celebrate it every week! We found the top 3 places everyone is becoming obsessed with around the Yakima Valley.