
Man Tricked Into Thinking He was Bungee Jumping Off an Old Bridge
Man Tricked Into Thinking He was Bungee Jumping Off an Old Bridge
Man Tricked Into Thinking He was Bungee Jumping Off an Old Bridge
In Norway, where about 50% of my DNA make-up comes from, they do things a little differently in their bachelor parties. While, here, we may go to Vegas to have some fun, get some drinks and do things that are probably illegal in 49 states. These guys in Norway decided to take their friend bungee jumping off an old bridge, or so the groom-to-be thought.
SLC Drug Prank
SLC Drug Prank
SLC Drug Prank
I grew up an hour and a half away from SLC and in the 80's I am pretty sure that everyone on the street, if asked, would have said yes. I, of course, never would.

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