
Yakima Valley College Dental Hygiene Program Looking for Patients
Yakima Valley College Dental Hygiene Program Looking for Patients
Yakima Valley College Dental Hygiene Program Looking for Patients
The Yakima Valley College Dental Hygiene program is looking for new patients, and if you haven't a teeth cleaning in over 5 years, it might make you the perfect candidate for a discounted cleaning. The good news is that if you have been feeling a little guilty on your lack of teeth cleaning, this will be a great program to check out guilt-free and save some right here in the Yakima Valley. Read Mo
J.R.O.T.C. in West Valley Spared… For Now
J.R.O.T.C. in West Valley Spared… For Now
J.R.O.T.C. in West Valley Spared… For Now
Yesterday, I was alarmed to hear from a couple of KATS listeners that the J.R.O.T.C. program in the West Valley School District was on the chopping block. There was a tremendous outpouring of support from members of the community at a school board hearing last night to help determine the program's fate.
Is R.O.T.C. at W.V. Schools D.O.A.?
Is R.O.T.C. at W.V. Schools D.O.A.?
Is R.O.T.C. at W.V. Schools D.O.A.?
Yesterday, I received an empassioned plea from a friend asking to protest a decision made by the West Valley School Board. This morning, during "The Big Show," I got a phone call from a female listener who alerted me to the same thing, saying that her husband was "nearly in tears" over the decision.