Totally Tool Two-Fer Contest
So, you've heard the announcement.
Here is how you score your tickets...
Buy them when they go on sale at LIVE NATION on Friday morning (March 24th) at 10:00 AM.
(Seriously, do what you have to do, buy those damn tickets before they sell out!)
The other, throw caution to the wind, I'm-a-broke-ass-gambler option is to try and WIN 'EM BEFORE YOU CAN BUY 'EM on KATS FM this week!
Be Caller 12 when you hear the TOTALLY TOOL TWO-FER. Anytime. Day or night. Whenever, between now Saturday, June 17th, when you hear TWO TOOL songs back to back, that's your cue to call us at 972-KATS.
We draw our first winner this Friday morning at 7:20 AM, before they go on sale at 10:00 AM. We have more than one pair and we will keep you up to date on when each drawing will be held during the Todd & Hendo Show and right here at KATSFM.COM.