“Yakima School District is Now Closed,” Says YSD Robocall
Many parents received a phone call from the school district featuring a message just over two minutes saying that school is now closed so no school on Monday. It also featured what to do about medication, food services, employees, child care and extended learning.
If your student has medication at the school, a member of the health services team will be contacting you.
Grab and Go food will be available in the parking lot of all schools in the Yakima School District. Between 10:30 a.m and 12:30 p.m., children between 1-18-year-olds can grab lunch and breakfast for the next morning. They emphasize that your child must be present to receive food.
If you're a health care provider or first responder they'll provide child care. Email your credincials to responderschildcare@yakimaschools.com.
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