Yakima Woman Says, “Sticking Garlic Up Your Nose Is Dangerous”
A few years ago, the internet was flooded with people taking the "Ice Bucket Challenge" to create awareness and raise money for a good cause in the fight against ALS (Lou Gehrig's Disease). Heck, even I got swept up in the trend.
Since then, the viral challenges and trends seem to have continually devolved into more ridiculous acts such as eating Tide Pods. The latest, and just as bizarre, is the "Garlic Nose Trend" (#GarlicInNose) birthed on the Tik Tok social media platform.
A concerned listener heard a DJ talking about the latest viral trend on social media and sent us an email warning of the dangers of shoving a clove up your snout.
Why should you NOT stick garlic in your nostrils?
According to information passed along to us from our concerned listener, her Ear, Nose and Throat doctor warned that the snot and mucus that comes pouring out (see: video below) is due to irritation of the tissue in your nasal passages and it can actually burn your nostrils if left in too long!
Here is the email we received:
I don't know about you but I was raised to never put anything smaller than my elbow in my ear or nose so this "challenge" is one that I can easily make a hard pass on.
@hwannah5****warning: Snot*** This is not dangerous. the garlic just clean your sinuses out. ##comedy ##safe ##fyp ##garlicinnose ##shaquilleoneal @jdean40♬ original sound - hwannah5
Has the whole world gone completely mental? Is Mike Judge's movie "Idiocracy" more prophecy than comedy? Do people in Third World nations play with their food anywhere near as much as we do in the Western world?
Back to your regularly schedule snacking on Tide Pods.