You Might be Arrested in California if you Break One of these Dumb Laws
If you drive through Oregon you may see a giant sign saying Welcome to California. But are you, though? Are you that welcome? Well, along with the usual laws like speeding or stealing there are also several dumb laws in California that could get you a ticket or even arrested. When visiting California, don't do any of these, you rulebreaker, you.
Did You Know?
In Chico, CA, it's illegal to have your children play on the sidewalk.
If you detonate a nuclear device in Chico, it's a $500 fine.
Going to play some Pinball in El Monte, CA? Nope! Pinball machines (as well as mock horse racing machines) are outlawed.
If you visit Fresno, not only can you not have a private bingo game, but you also can't play bingo drunk.
And if you're drunk in Fresno, you can't be sold gasoline as it's illegal.
Los Angeles has crying on the witness stand as one of it's many dumb laws. There's actually quite a few dumb laws in LA including bathing two babies in the same tub at the same time, throwing a frisbee anywhere outside of the beach (and only with permission from a lifeguard), and you can't have dogs mating 500 yards from a church. Zoot Suits are also illegal.
If you're walking your elephant in San Francisco, they must be wearing a leash. Very important. And if you own a garage, it is to be used for your car only. You're not allowed to store random items in your garage.
Playing mini-golf is okay in Long Beach, so long as you don't swear.
If you're in Indian Wells, CA, it's illegal to drink cement. Sorry.
Dana Point, CA, it's illegal to use your own restroom if the window is open. I'm actually okay with this one.
Prunedale, CA, it's illegal to have more than one bathtub installed in your house.
We could go on and on but those are a few interesting ones. Best to avoid California at all costs.