3 Important Do’s & Don’ts For Honoring The Fallen on Memorial Day
Here it comes. Memorial Day Weekend, a three-day weekend that many consider being the unofficial kickoff to Summer. Of course, Summer officially begins this year on Father's Day, Sunday, June 20th. However, considering the past year we've all been through, I think it's safe to say everyone will be eager to get to warmer temps and outdoor summer fun.
As much as you may be making plans to travel, do some camping, or get out in the backyard and fire up the grill, remember what Memorial Day is all about. Those who made the ultimate sacrifice. The brave men and women of our United States Military who lost their lives in service of our nation, where we enjoy time with family and friends in peace and freedom.
Remember What Not To Say on Memorial Day
Though we should always want to greet someone warmly, saying "Happy Memorial Day" isn't one of the recommended salutations for the day. Unlike "Happy Independence Day" or "Merry Christmas" or "Happy Father's Day", Memorial Day isn't set aside to high-five one another, celebrating a happy event, it's a day to honor those who have fallen in service to our country. Many seem to get this observance conflated with Veteran's Day. They're very different observances with very different purposes.
Do You Put Flags Out For Memorial Day?
This is a common question and one that I thought I knew the answer to. But, I was only half-right. We see small flags in military cemeteries and graves of fallen heroes festooned with flowers and those little US Flags. Flying the flag seems appropriate on this day of remembrance but here's what you need to know according to VA.GOV
On Memorial Day the flag should be flown at half-staff from sunrise until noon only, then raised briskly to the top of the staff until sunset, in honor of the nation's battle heroes.
Please enjoy and share this moving video we found on YouTube.com
LOOK: 100 years of American military history
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