City, County, State Closures on Monday for Memorial Day
As expected many of the city and county services will be closed on Monday, May 31 for Memorial Day. If you ride the bus Where you hoping to get some business done on Monday? Monday, May 31, is a National Holiday for Memorial Day which means city, county, state and federal offices will be closed. Many of the cities non-emergency services will be closed for the day resuming normal operations on Tuesday, June 1.
Along with offices don't forget the holiday also means you won't be able to go to the bank or the post office. Banks and post offices are set to close on Monday but will resume normal business on Tuesday.
Along with city, county, state and federal offices Yakima Transit will not be providing bus service on Monday. If your garbage day is Monday it's being delayed until Tuesday. All garbage service is being delayed by one day next week.
The city senior center the Harmon Center will also be closed for the Holiday.
City of Yakima services will resume normal business hours on Tuesday, June 1, when city hall and other city services will be fully open after more than a year of closure because of the pandemic.
Offices in the Yakima County Courthouse and the Federal Courthouse will also be closed on Monday.
Memorial Day has history. The day is set aside for honoring and mourning the military personnel who have died in the performance of their military duties while serving in the United States Armed Forces. Many people spend time to visit cemeteries and memorials on Memorial Day to honor and mourn those who died while serving in the military. Volunteers in the Yakima Valley and throughout the nation place American flags on graves of military personnel.
The day is also thought of as the unofficial start of the summer season.
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