Memorial Day is, obviously, today, but, more importantly, it's about remembering those who served. Some are no longer with us.
I'd like to share a couple of men whom I will especially be thinking of. In fact, they are the men that put the "E" in Todd E. Lyons.
On this Memorial Day, I will once again shed a tear for those who died in vain. While it may not be politically correct to say it aloud, not all who fight and die do so for a noble cause.
As much as you may be making plans to travel, do some camping, or get out in the backyard and fire up the grill, remember what Memorial Day is all about. Those who made the ultimate sacrifice.
Memorial Day is, obviously, today, but, more importantly, it's about remembering those who served and are no longer with us.
I'd like to share a couple of men whom I will especially be thinking of. In fact, they are the men that put the "E" in Todd E. Lyons.