5 Destinations For Your Washington Summer Bucket List That Will Only Cost Gas and Food
Summer is here. Some of us can't afford to take a super long vacation. So if you are playing a 'Staycation' then no problem because, with in 15 to even a few hours, Washington state has some of the best places in the country to visit and will cost hardly anything.Some of the places on this list might be a donation for their cause but that's is about it. All you have to do is gas up your rig, pack a few groceries and go!
- Think Stock
Think Stock 4Olympic Peninsula
The state park at Olympic Peninsula is amazing. We went last year and planning on going again.
- Think Stock
Think Stock 1Northwest Trek Wildlife Park
Scout for moose, elk, caribou, mountain goats, bison and more from trams in the free-roaming area. Stroll forested pathways to see grizzly bears, wolves, lynx, cougars, eagles and more in beautiful natural exhibits. Get up close to a porcupine, skunk, beaver, owl and other animals at daily Trailside Encounters with a keeper. Take a ride on the zip line adventure course through the forested canopy
- Getty Images/Fox Photos
Getty Images/Fox Photos 5Mount Rainier
Learn about glaciers. Discover life in a rainforest. Hike the Wonderland Trail. Explore subalpine ecology. Watch clouds shroud the mountain and disappear. Visit a rustic historic building. Dream about climbing to the summit. Study geology. Experience a mountain meadow. Listen to a glacier crack. BE INSPIRED!
- Think Stock
Think Stock 2Bobs Corn Maze
This is fun and entertaining and by donation only.
10917 Elliott Rd Snohomish WA
- Think Stock
Think Stock 3KidsQuest Children's Museum
This will cost a small amount of money, but it is worth it. The kids will love this place and it is at
4091 Factoria Blvd SE, Bellevue, WA
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