Alabama Shakes won for Best Rock Song and Best Rock Performance at Monday night's 2016 Grammy Awards. They have a different sound. Blues, country and even a little pop --old-school sounding. But, rock 'n' roll? Not even close. They are a very talented band. They should not have won those awards in those categories. The Grammys are a joke.

The song "Don't Wanna Fight" was the song that gave them two Grammys. If they should have won at all, it should have been in the blues or country category. Does Yakima Valley agree with me? Tell us in the comments below. Here is Alabama Shakes' Grammy-winning song. For comparison, I have also provided some real rock for you to determine if I am right or not. I guess it is all a matter of opinion.

Foo Fighters. This is the band that should have won with their tribute to terrorist attacks in Paris.

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