Gamers Rank in the Three Billion Range
I'm a gamer. I'm not a hardcore gamer. I work two jobs, so when I do actually get a chance to sit down and play, I make a day of it. When I do rock out with the controller in my hand, it's usually either a Batman Arkham games, Mass Effect, Mortal Kombat, Portal, or one of the many LEGO titles. I look at games as a way to relax, to escape reality. If I get stressed and rip more of my hair out because I can't get the little man to go in the castle, then I'm done! I'M OUT! Kudos to the MMO players, who spend 8 hours a day at work, just to come home and go to a digital job in the World of Warcraft and work for 16 more hours grinding to level up. I realized, that even when I'm not playing my Xbox or Playstation, I actually game more then I thought... THANK YOU SMART PHONE & Marvel Puzzle Quest! Looks like I'm not alone.
According to DFC Intelligence, game consumers now number in the billions, 3.1 billion world wide to be a little more accurate. That's roughly 40% of the world's population! Half of those gamers do so via their smartphones. The further break down of these stats are pretty interesting. Of the 3.1 billion players, only about 8% zone out in front of a TV and use an actual console (Xbox, Playstation, Nintendo Switch). This group actually spends the most money. 1.5 billion, or about 48% are PC (personal computer) gamers. (yes, there is some overlap, because most gamers have multiple systems and who doesn't have a smart phone a version of bejeweled or poker).
But besides their parents basements... where do all these gamers live? Asia! Well at least the majority of gaming consumers are there with 1.42 billion. Europe & Latin America rank in at number 2 & 3 respectfully. The U.S. falls in the number 4 spot with only 261 million. Man, the Adam Sandler movie "PIXLES" (which was a very awesome & funny movie in my opinion) had the premises that aliens came to earth in the form of classic video games. If that was a real event, less than half the earth would be prepared! I don't want to think of how the aliens would look with today's games. It's called DOOM for a reason!