Is My House Haunted? Bizarre Video Exposes Terrifying Pictures!
Do you believe in the existence of ghosts? Poltergeists? Evil spirits? Entities who, for whatever reason, have been trapped in between realms - this life and the next - with unfinished business? This has been a fascination for many people since the dawn of time. Movies and television shows have been created by the score - capitalizing on our fears and our curiosities. In fact, I have a creepy video I'll share with you in a moment.
My golden retriever, Tater (who has his own periodic blog from time to time) has been acting a little strangely lately. Both my wife and I have noticed this and it's of some concern because one of the ways his odd behavior has manifested itself is his insane nocturnal barking. For the last several nights - he's awakened us with the kind of barking that says:'Mom, Dad, there's an intruder! Save yourselves!' After the warning he grabs a toy, starts chomping on it and plops down with his blanky and goes back to sleep. Meanwhile, we're left wondering what's wrong and if we'll be able to go back to sleep.
The issue of ghosts comes up for two reasons: first, I spoke with a medium/pet psychic that I know recently (don't laugh, you never know) and she said Tater and most dogs are very sensitive to the 'other-world'. Second, when we moved into our home a couple of years ago, an acquaintance was intrigued that we'd bought the home - as her family lived there when she was a child. She informed us of 'strange things' that occurred right in front of her eyes -- including, but not limited to: a ghostly female entity who had flowing gowns and flaming hair. Not just red - but flaming - as in - on fire! Doors also closed themselves and then wouldn't open. Especially in what is now our guest room. That was the room where the woman with flaming hair would appear and the closet in the room would often slam and then not open - inexplicably.
Fast forward to recent times when our grand-kids (5 and 6) were playing in that room and decided to go into the closet. The door shut (they said they didn't do it) and they couldn't get out. It wouldn't open. Luckily, Tater, with his keen eyes and catlike, um, doglike senses - heard them yelling and he began to bark. It was like one of those old Lassie re-runs....'What is it boy? Timmy is in the well?! Who's Timmy? We don't have a Timmy around here! Oh, you mean Max and Maya!' Well, it went down something like that. Anyway, the door was jammed shut - but when I tried to open it to release them - it popped right open. Almost as though someone or something opened it for us!
So, no, I'm not one who has been fascinated with such paranormal things and frankly I'm not a believer. I am, however, a BELIEVER and so as soon as I can arrange for a Priest to come over and bless our humble abode (and Tater) I'm going to do so. Hey, it's called hedging my bets.
I found this video on YouTube and it's truly freaky.
Has anything like this ever happened to you? Something appear in a photo that wasn't there when you took it? Doors shutting themselves? Message me on the station app.

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