The Avengers Fought Thanos and Venom In a Wrestling Match Last Weekend
It turns out Thanos’ true endgame was getting into the professional wrestling business.
Although the Mad Titan was defeated by the all of Marvel’s heroes at the end of the last Avengers movie, their battle rages on in the Mexican pro wrestling company Lucha Libre AAA. At their annual TripleMania event, there was a titanic tag team contest between the heroes and villains of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, now transformed into masked wrestlers.
The good guy team (the técnicos, in the parlance of lucha libre) were “Arachno,” AKA Spider-Man...
... and “Leyenda Americana,” whose mask bears the unmistakable logo and wings of Captain America.
Their rudo opponents were Venom — excuse me, “Venenoide”...
And the big bad was “Terror Purpura,” who wore a mask with a distinctively Thanos-esque chin:
Terror Purpura even walked to the ring with a cool Infinity Gauntlet championship belt.
You can watch most of the match in the video below. The Marvel match begins right before the 44 minute mark:
If you follow American pro wrestling you might recognize a few of the wrestlers under the masks. That’s current AEW star Brian Cage as Thanos and former WWE wrestler Lio Rush as Spider-Man (who actually does a very nice job mimicking the character’s ducks and dives and Steve Ditko poses). The other two wrestlers in the match were AAA mainstays Daga (as Cap) and Taurus (as Venom).
The match even had its own Marvel-style post-credits scene. Shortly after the bell rang the lights in the arena went out; when they came back on, a new Marvel masked wrestler was in the ring: Estrella Cósmica, AKA Captain Marvel. (You can see her in the image at the top of this article.)
Believe it or not, Marvel is actually involved in this enterprise, which is called “Marvel Lucha Libre.” On DisneyLatino.com, you can even buy all sorts of products bearing the likenesses of these new characters. (Aracno already has his own Funko Pop!)
The TripleMania Marvel match ended with the villains triumphant. But with the surprise run-in by Estrella Cósmica, clearly this feud must continue. So maybe this was just the wrestling equivalent of Avengers: Infinity War: The bad guys won this time, but now the heroes are going to regroup, learn a few new moves, and try again. (I think they should recruit John Cena for the rematch. He has invisibility powers; Thanos would never be able to see him.)
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