With the arrival of fall comes the departure of summer -- and your college-bound kids.

Which means many parents who find themselves echoing in empty nests are thinking of spending the coming autumn days redecorating homes and reclaiming rooms that used to be full of their kids' dirty socks, skateboards and tangled earbuds.

Furniture stores know all about this, says Kelly at K&K Custom Furniture, 16 N. Third St. in Yakima. Back-to-school time is a busy time for them, he says.

Some parents who've just sent their children off to college are looking to turn vacant bedrooms into studies, media rooms or dens. They often think of buying nicer living-room furniture now that the new stuff doesn't face as much traffic -- or as high a risk of spilled energy drinks or smeared pizza sauce.

Departing students, on the other hand, might be looking for shelving, lamps or Memory Foam mattresses to make their new quarters more comfortable.

Either way, Kelly says, you're catching guys like him at a good time. His store's about to move to a new location in Yakima, so he's putting up some good deals. He's also this week's featured Seize the Deal -- $50 buys a $100 gift certificate good for anything in his store.

The deal goes up Friday at 8:30 a.m. Listen for the cue.

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