Postal Service Delivers Line of Men’s Clothes
“Going postal” could soon be very fashionable.
The United States Postal Service has announced it will unveil a clothing line for men called Rain Heat & Snow, a nod to its iconic credo, "Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds."
Basically, this news means men will finally have a chance to look like Newman from ‘Seinfeld.’
The Postal Service, which recently announced plans to cut Saturday delivery, is in desperate need of money, so it licensed its motto to a company called Wahconah Group, which will create the clothing. The Postal Service will receive a small portion of sales, although it remains to be seen just how much of the consumer-buying public actually wants to pattern its wardrobe after Cliff Clavin.
So, what will the clothes look like? According to a spokesman:
The line will feature all-season, all-weather gear with the latest technology such as sweat-wicking fabric and jackets that can sync up with MP3 players, and also includes coats, head gear and footwear.”
The initial line for Rain Heat & Snow will go on sale in the spring of next year and a line for women is also in development. Watch out, Banana Republic.
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