Todd’s Take: Don’t Be A Dumbass On Ash Wednesday
There are a lot of stupid people walking around. A LOT.
I'm about to give you a helpful tip so that you are not accidentally confused with one, or all, of them.
We just got through Fat Tuesday, so now it's time for Ash Wednesday - the day Catholics around the world will be marked with a cross of black ash on their foreheads, to remain there the rest of the day.
Ash Wednesday begins the season of Lent, the 40-day penitential period before Easter when Christians celebrate Christ's resurrection from the dead.
Now that you understand this particular religious tradition and its basis, I'm imploring you -- for your own good and to spare the discomfort of others -- to please not be "THAT Guy" on Ash Wednesday.
I once embarrassed the hell out of myself many years ago when I alerted a person whom I didn't even know that they had "some dirt on their face."
Yeah. Don't be THAT guy.
This has been a friendly public service announcement from Todd E. Lyons, Esquire, and 94.5 KATS.
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