While it has been the brunt of many jokes over the years, arguably one of the most well-known landmarks in Yakima is the "Welcome to Yakima, the Palm Springs of Washington" sign that greets visitors and passers-by as they enter from I-82.


Heck, we've even recently lampooned it our selves on our Facebook page as it relates to the recent fissure in Rattlesnake Ridge that has many townsfolk worried about a potential landslide.

Brian Henderson
Brian Henderson

Recently, we had a bit of a spring clean-up day here at the radio station which required going through old cabinets, boxes and files. One of the nuggets that was unearthed was this picture from listener Tim Lee that proves, once and for all, that Palm Springs, CA is INDEED the "Yakima of California"!

Courtesy: Tim Lee
Courtesy: Tim Lee


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