What’s worse? A desk job or a driving job?

If you were stuck with one for the rest of your career, what would you choose?

Would you rather be stuck behind the keyboard or the steering wheel?

They both have their benefits and problems.

When I drove full-time for a medical laboratory, it was nice because I enjoyed traveling and listening to the radio. My office had 4 windows, and it got me outside (for the most part).

Now that I’m behind a keyboard and microphone, I don’t worry about weather conditions or an unforeseen collision.

eating while driving

So yeah, both have benefits, but where they both have their cons, driving for a living really hurts in one specific area.

Not counting a possible road accident, it’s no secret that living a sedentary lifestyle isn’t good for you. Whether you’re behind a screen or a windshield, everyone needs to get up and move more.

That was (and is) a hard part for me when I was driving, and still is a challenge. Having a fast food place on every block, in every city I came into, made scarfing the 'not so good stuff', all the more tempting.

I was good about getting rid of the distractions when driving, but food, that was and still is a tough one!

Study Showing Unhealthy Driving Habits

It isn’t just me; in a study by Potamkin Hyundai, a survey of 3,000 drivers (combined with public health data), revealed the Unhealthiest Drivers in America.

On a positive note for Washington, we didn’t crack the top 5 Unhealthiest Drivers in America (those honors go to Maryland, Arkansas, Mississippi, Louisiana, and Georgia), but the study did show that 63% of long-distance drivers eat a lot of junk food.

63% equals over 2,300,000 drivers!


While I was driving, I knew the routes that I would take were determined by what kind of ‘dinner’ I was craving on any particular night. Burgers or Burritos. How much of a mess did I want to have in my car? Etc.!

I’m not alone, considering 68% of other drivers admitted to doing the same thing!

RELATED READING: Driving HACK Born In Yakima, Washington!

Well, if there’s any lesson to be learned, get away from the keyboard, and if you’re behind the wheel, if you’re getting fast food, maybe park and go in, just to get your steps!

For more information on the breakdown, you can check out GoodMenProject.com.

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