Where to Get School Lunch and Breakfast During the School Closure
The Yakima School District announced that school was closed, but that they would supply breakfast and lunch during these times each weekday. Here's where to find them in your neighborhood.
This will be available weekdays from March 17-April 24.
Yakima School District:
All schools' parking lots from 10:30-12:30 will have to-go packs that will have lunch for that day and breakfast the next day. Your child(ren) must be present to get their lunch. This is available for all kids ages 1-18, regardless of which school they attend.
West Valley School District
10:30-noon with grab-n-go sacks for lunch and the next day's breakfast. Ahtanum Elementary bus zone, cross church parking lot, Cottonwood Elementary bus zone, Mountain View Elementary bus zone, West Side Church parking lot, Wide Hollow Elementary in front of the school, West Valley Middle School bus zone and West Valley High School bus zone. Children may pick up meals at any location.
When we have info on the other school districts, we'll post it here.