A ton of beer vendors will be at our Tri-Cities on Tap, going down at the Benton County Fairgrounds March 7. And a ton of beers are capturing my attention. From the oldest brewery dating back to 1896 is Anchor Brewing Co., based out of San Fransisco.

They make a lot of beers, but the one I am most interested in trying is the Anchor ROCK Beer. First of all, the name of it fits me to a tee and it has hints of chocolate and caramel in it.
How in the hell can you go wrong with the name it has and what's in it?
They brew there stuff in a traditional copper brew house. When you look at the photos it makes me want to go back in time and be around the bad boys that brewed beer when you were not supposed to. It would be fun to take on FBI agent Elliott Ness.

Read More: America On Tap Participating Breweries [Brewery List] | http://americaontap.com/america-on-tap-participating-breweries/?trackback=tsmclip

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