I was at this arcade in Seattle not too long ago that had small bin of feminine hygiene products. I thought to myself, 'a small courtesy like this will always get my business.'

Now, I can't take advantage of any of it, but I thought it was cool they'd offer it to anyone who needed it. Reminds me of the few (very few) places that would have free diapers as needed in the changing stalls. I remember being in situations where my little ones needed a diaper change and we didn't have anything we could use in their diaper bag.

This was found at the Ice Box, an arcade bar, in Seattle. It's also courtesy of stephhanlon.com who seems to be a local tattoo artist. Props to her, too!

If you own a business in Yakima, consider doing something like this. I bet it'll make someone's day and save them a world of grief in a time of need.

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