Exploring Salvation Army in Union Gap #AbandonedYakima
After a long vacation to parts unknown, we are back with another installment of everyone's favorite feature -- #AbandonedYakima. The only blog where we locate and discover former buildings and relics that currently sit empty in the Yakima Valley.
It's no secret we love thrifting, and we constantly hit up thrift stores. Going to a thrift store is like going on a treasure hunt. You never know what awesome stuff you will find that someone decided to get rid of. However, it's always sad to see a thrift store close up -- leaving one less place to hunt for treasured items that you never thought you would want -- or need.
A few years ago, the only Value Village in town closed its doors. Retail outlet store Marshalls now occupies the space. Not going to lie -- Value Village was always my go-to place to buy designer jeans -- and even score some vinyl. As with Value Village, another thrift store decided to close up shop out of the blue in Union Gap. Yes, we're talking about the Salvation Army. S.A's closure comes at a total shock as many in the valley hate to see a thrift shop close. But what we didn't expect was to see the store full of items.
Here's what we documented on our excursion that day in Union Gap.
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