Health Officials Warn Flu Rising In Washington State
Todd & Hendo are feeling sickly today.
Health officials across the state are issuing a warning to those that have not taken the time to get vaccinated for the flu yet.
The flu is starting to rise as emergency room doctors report seeing more flu patients. According to the Washington Department of Health, flu vaccination is recommended now for everyone aged six months and older as the best available protection against serious disease.
“The flu can, and does, make people really sick,” said Dr. Kathy Lofy, health officer for Washington State Department of Health. “Most healthy people who get the flu don’t need urgent medical care; however, people in a high-risk group and those who are very sick should contact their health care provider as soon as possible.”
Again, flu vaccine is recommended for everyone six months of age and up. Serious complications from influenza are more likely to occur in high-risk groups such as young children, people 65 and older, pregnant women, and people with certain medical conditions. Health care providers, and others in close contact with people in high-risk groups, should get a flu shot to protect themselves and the people in their care.
If your throat hurts, one of my favorite things is honey and ginger. And maybe a dash of whiskey.
But how do you tell if you have the flu or a regular cold? Aside from washing your hands, what can you do to prevent yourself from getting sick?
And for all those hypochondriacs...