Will Yakima ‘Trick or Treat’ for New KitKat?
While my wife and I were out shopping (as we do), we stumbled upon another new version of one of my wife's favorite candy bars.
Just in time for Halloween (2 whole months before the spooky holiday) we now have a haunting themed candy from KitKat, and much like with our last KitKat review, we couldn't let an opportunity like this pass us by.
We bought it, we ate it, and now we're reviewing what we bought and bit.
Taste Testing Legal Disclaimer: KitKat 'Ghost Toast'
This is in no way, shape, or form a paid advertisement for this or any type of candy.
I purchased it with my own money and am not expecting payment or reimbursement in any form for it.
I'm doing this review because it's kind of what I do.
Taste Test of KitKat 'Ghost Toast'
My wife and I split the candy. She opened it and gave me a break of that KitKat Bar.
The outside had a white chocolate texture, and then you hit the wafer part of the KitKat. The best way I can describe the taste is:
"Cinnamon toast crunch cereal, with frosting, that is softer."
It was good to try, not as good as the Pink Lemonade KitKat flavor, but not worth the price that candy goes for nowadays (at least for me).
2nd Opinion of KitKat 'Ghost Toast'
"Kind of disappointing, definitely not worth the points!" – Stephanie H. (my wife).
3 Great Tastes, That Taste Great in Yakima!
Like the recently reviewed KitKat candy, these have arrived in the heart of Yakima and not in the lower valley, so there shouldn't be any problems giving them a try.
As with all things in life, food, entertainment, news... Everyone is different and has different tastes, do your own research and decide for yourself!
When you do give it a try, Tap the App and let us know what you thought!

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Gallery Credit: mwolfe
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