
In a Pinch, Caramel Corn Can Be Eaten Like Breakfast Cereal
In a Pinch, Caramel Corn Can Be Eaten Like Breakfast Cereal
In a Pinch, Caramel Corn Can Be Eaten Like Breakfast Cereal
One of vendors at Downtown Summer Nights is R&J's Kettle Corn. I was speaking to one of the proprietors of that fine establishment about people who buy kettle corn from them regularly. She said some buy a lot and freeze it so they always have some on hand. Other's buy some to keep in their car when they go on road trips. She told me one buys the caramel corn and pours milk over it and eats it
Eating a Bowl Full of Cereal Marshmallows [VIDEO]
Eating a Bowl Full of Cereal Marshmallows [VIDEO]
Eating a Bowl Full of Cereal Marshmallows [VIDEO]
Once upon a time, Todd told me, "I like the Charms, I don't like the Luckies." It's not doubt that marshmallows in breakfast cereal enhances everything from flavor to texture to color. You can imagine how much I freaked out when you could buy just a bag full of cereal marshmallows.