Let’s face it, we’re living in an increasingly digital world. Even toddlers are walking around with Instagram on their smart phones. In theory this should make us the communication generation. But we’re not. Check out these great texting fails for proof!
Guys, pageant contestants aren't just pretty faces -- they're also extremely capable of saying things so incoherently stupid that it gives you a headache.
Having done our fair share of time in retail, we're willing to bet these price tag placements were all intentional -- probably done by some poor soul about 10 days away from quitting their job. Doesn't make them not funny.
Recently we've been discussing the best things about summer, like Slip N' Slides and lemonade. OH yes. But with the good obviously comes the bad, and in this case, the really bad. Brace yourself folks, because we've scoped out some pretty awful sunburn fails we never want to experience. Oof.
It doesn't matter which way we spin it; breaking up stinks. (Unless, of course, you're the breaker-upper, in which case it's like a cause for celebration.) Either way, cutting the relationship cord has gotten a bit easier ever since text messaging hit the scene. As it turns out, break up texts can be hilarious.
Got any Memorial Day plans? Maybe you’re heading to a parade and dressing up in those American flag shorts (guilty). Or perhaps heading to the public pool to kick off swimming season is more your style. Whatever you do, there’s one Memorial Day staple that all Americans must experience on Monday— the BBQ.