It blows my mind that once someone buys a lotto ticket they do not check it the next day. I try to buy a lotto ticket every time we get paid, just in case. When the lotto numbers come out, I watch for them.
Yup, I am that person. In the 24 hours I buy my lotto ticket and before they read the numbers, I have a list of things I am going to do. Yup, I am that person, too. New York sold a lotto ticket
The Mega Millions drawing is tonight (July 8) and it is up there pretty high -- $540 million is excellent. Heck, I would take 1/8 of that! Anyway, I bought myself a ticket. I think I will buy another one right before the drawing this evening.
It is so hard not to buy a Powerball lotto ticket when it is up to $235 million. I always dream of what I would do with that kind of money. I would make sure that all of my bills were paid first, but honestly, I would probably just go fishing every single day, everywhere, for the rest of my life. As high up as the lotto is, the cash option would be $148.7 million!
I mentioned the other day that both lotto's were up past $100 million bucks! That number is increasing with each ticket of the Power Ball and Mega Millions. I have a few places that I have won over $100 bucks at. Because of this, they are my places I buy my tickets.