Did you know owning wild animals comes with a hefty cost if not time in jail? Here are five animals you can't legally own in Washington state, if you do you could land in some serious trouble.
Every state has some weird laws hanging around from back in the day, you'd be surprised how dumb some of them are. My favorite thing about looking into these laws, most of them aren't enforced and are just hilarious to read. The best thing about it is it means someone did something dumb enough that they had to make a law for it...
Todd & Andy have some crazy stories about being in jail -- too many, by the sounds of it. Aaron, their morning sidekick, is on the way to the courthouse to check in, and he has some killer prizes to hand out to his fellow court seekers.
If you haven't noticed, the "Land of the Free" has long since ceased to exist.
A recent article in Reason magazine, cited a chart that was compiled by the Prison Policy Initiative that clearly shows the United States of America far and away leading the rest of the world in rates of incarceration with 716 citizens per 100,000 locked up. No. 2 is Cuba (510 per 100,000) followed by Rwanda