Dwayne The Rock Johnson has struck gold with his new DC Supervillain movie, that's right a movie solely dedicated to a supervillain and it stars The Rock, Here's where you can watch it in Yakima!
I binged over the weekend on "Iron Fist." It's a Netflix Marvel produced superhero series that features a lesser-known hero of the Marvel Comics Group.
"Iron Fist" is the last of four TV series that will tie together "The Defenders" on the small screen. The first series have been "Daredevil," "Jessica Jones," "Cage" and now "Iron Fis
For about a year, a man using the pseudonym Phoenix Jones has donned a costume and mask and prowled the streets of Seattle in an effort to thwart crime. But early Monday morning, it was the self-styled superhero who found himself behind bars.
Seattle police say Jones approached a group of people at about 2:30 a.m. and assaulted them with pepper spray. The individuals involved say they were “dancin