Timmy’s Poll! Which Mask Should He Wear?
Now that it is mandatory to wear masks in public, especially in places where we can not social distance ourselves from other people, I thought, will any mask work? Some are probably better than others, so I dug through the old trunks of stuff in Timmy's Basement to find my favorite masks, and would like your input on what I should wear in public. I'll give pros & cons on each one, and at the end, please take the poll to decide. Who knows, you might see me in public wearing one of these dusty treasures!
1 - Black Spider-Man Mask: Released as a special offer with Spider-Man 3 on DVD, this mask covers the mouth and nose. Is easy to breathe in, and they slay black is very slimming. The bad part about this mask, it was originally meant for a child, so it was very tight, and it's 13 years old, so kind of smells from being in storage.
2 - Ninja Mask: Some would say it's Sub-Zero from Mortal Kombat, but in actuality, it's just a dollar store hard piece of plastic that barley fits. It does breath very well, covers the nose & mouth, but I'm pretty sure I will be challenged to fight someone. On the flip side it does bring out my beautiful eyes!
3 - Armored Batman: This mask is badass! Voice changing, light up eyes, soft, fits well. Does not cover mouth or nose, but honestly if you're this close to someone wearing a Batman mask, you probably have more things to worry about than COVID-19.
4 - The Red Hood: This might be the nicest one. Covers the mouth and nose, easy to see out of and breathe. Very comfortable. Only problem I really have with this one is after you wear it a long time, you feel more goth.
5 - KISS Bandanna: It's a bandanna, should protect others against my mouth and nose droplets. If you tie it too tight, you'll get a line across your face, but other wise it's very stylish, especially in these "Riot Times". Only bad thing with this is, wearing it for long periods of time may attract fans of Peter Criss.
6 - Iron Man: Might just be another perfect mask. It fits nicely, covers the mouth & nose. Unlike the Batman one, this does not change your voice, but the yellow part does lift up for easy drinkin', in true Tony Stark style.
7 - The Joker: From The Dark Knight, this mask is about 12 years old. Has not held up well in storage. The hair use to be green, but the ink has faded. It does cover the mouth and nose well, but very hard to breathe in. Plus the way the mask sits, your bottom lip always looks like you're tongue. But it does fit in with the current times of anarchy.
8 - Rey Mysterio - Damn I look good in yellow. This mask won't stop nose nuggets or mouth molecules from escaping, but it might cause people a little hesitation about getting into the ring with me. Especially when I fly (fall) off the top rope!
9 - General Grievous: Covers mouth? Check! Covers nose? Check! Offer's eye protection? Check! Changes your voice? Originally yes, but it broke. Comes with 4 lightsabers? Sadly no. Intimidating so people stay 6 feet away? Check & Check! Thank you Star Wars.
10 - The Grey Alien: Creepy as hell but does cover the mouth and nose, plus the whole hood offers sun protection, plus the eyes are tinted for added eye safety. The only downsides to this mask are that it's hot as hell, and you may need to probe someone.
Now that you've seen a small handful of my choices, what should I start wearing in public to confuse, protect & entertain the masses? Vote below!
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