‘Yakima Ha-Ha’ Comedy Show Tomorrow Night at Season’s
Earlier this morning on "The Big Show," I had the pleasure of speaking with nationally touring stand-up comedian Brook McBeth.
Brooks, along with another of the Northwest's biggest and best comedians, John Keister, are coming to Yakima for a one special night of comedy - the 'Yakima Ha-Ha!' - tomorrow night at the Season's Performance Hall.
Keister, the star of 'Almost Live!' and 'The 206,' along with national headliner Brooks McBeth from 'Mad TV,' 'Comedy Central' and 'Almost Live' will join forces with KATS own Timmy and the hottest Improv Troupe 'Manic Thunder' for a rare live comedy show.
Two great headliners, the best improv group in Washington, and balls to the wall comedy!
Adult Content - 18 & over. Show time 8:00 p.m.
Special guest:
For tickets, click here
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