Yakima Senior Student/Athlete Spotlight: WV’s Trenten Vernon
A couple of weeks ago, we asked you to help us spotlight the student-athlete, Little Leaguer, Grid Kid, etc. in your life by sharing a photo and a bio. As we previously mentioned, it's bad enough for students in their senior year of high school or college to not get the proper send-off that they justifiably deserve -- even worse for those student-athletes who don't get to compete in what might be their last season of competitive sports. Tons of young men and women, as well as boys and girls, are getting a short thrift with the cancellation of school and organized sports for the foreseeable future.
One of the most heartbreaking, yet inspiring, stories we received was from Janelle Harrison who submitted a story about her youngest son, Trenten Vernon.
Trenten is a senior West Valley High School and a top athlete in track as well as an excellent student.
There is NO WAY in which we could regurgitate her impassioned story and have the same amount of emotion come through so we've decided to re-print Janelle's words:
"Trenten Vernon is the current track 400m district champion and was training to break records yet again this season. Last year he set a new WV High School junior class record for the 400m. He would have done great things and is still training in hopes to compete in a few virtual races before he heads off to BYU Idaho in the fall.
Last season, Trenten’s older brother, Keston, was diagnosed with colon cancer in January. He had just turned 19 and graduated the spring before. He was 2017-18 West Valley senior class president. After surgery, Keston and Trenten both lost their biological father to pancreatic cancer. He watched Keston rally, despite all, and managed to become district champion during a truly emotional crisis -- a cancer diagnosis for his brother and the loss of a parent. Keston bested cancer but his story is still being written.
Fast forward to February 2020.
The COVID-19 pandemic, senior year, no track season to secure scholarships (he was scouted by a Portland school and lost sponsorship due to inability to get stats for the year), participating in Pre-Med courses through YVC -- all to find out that his brother was then re-diagnosed with colon cancer a few weeks into lockdown (March 17). Keston beat it once without chemo, but this round his cancer is much more aggressive and we are all bracing for a long road.
Trenten has been challenged beyond what most adults can imagine in such a short period of time and at a crucial age and period in his life. So for me, this rockstar deserves a shout out. He won’t get to defend his rank and lost out on any potential scholarships due to COVID-19. Trenten didn’t get to go to his Senior Prom or Tolo, let alone graduate with his class and share this momentous achievement with family and friends. Lockdown has made it difficult to find any outlets, but he's still focused on school and training nonetheless. His plan B had become a plan D for the future and picking up the pieces will be difficult, to say the least.
Trenten aspires to become an oncology surgeon and currently has a 3.79 GPA and participates in a very rigorous biology/pre-med program at YVC. He’s top of his class. This kid is going places and is driven. He would have done great things this season and still hopes to get one more chance to run his race.
These kids have lost out on so much, and stories like my son’s are not an isolated phenomenon.
Our kids are being prepared for something extraordinary.
Thank you for sharing their stories."
If you would like us to share a story close to you, simply send us a picture of your child, grandkid, niece or nephew with their:
*Brief description about them
Send it via email to: Todd.Lyons@TownsquareMedia.com or use our mobile app to get it to us (in the menu, click on "Submit Photo/Video) and we will spotlight your star.

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