A Song For The First Of May (NSFW)
Now that the weather is right, many people are outside, having picnics, doing yard work, all and all enjoy the sunshine. But what about enjoying someone else while enjoying the sunshine? Well luckily, a great musician / comedian named Jonathan Coulton wrote a song that I love to celebrate & share once a year. I do so on today, in particular, because, the song is called "First of May". The song makes me smile and gets me ready for summer. Enjoy the "First of May" below! But be aware... it's Not Safe For Work!
Now, if you really loved that song, like I did, and would like to sing along, I found a version with the lyrics! Sing loud & proud! Get your favorite loved one, and bang it out!
But what about your friends who are deaf, how can they enjoy? (Especially if they can't read, and that above video won't help them). Never fear! I found a special version of the song, for ASL (American Sign Language) so we get to watch, laugh and learn!
If that song doesn't do it for you, and you'd rather a little less "F***ing" in your First of May songs... well here's The Bee Gees!