Go White Water Rafting This Month Only In Naches
Have you ever wanted to go white water rafting, but never had the time to drive to other parts of the state?
You can go white water rafting right here in the Yakima area! The only catch: you can only go in September.
This morning Henderson will be inviting a few listeners to go white water rafting with him tomorrow, (Friday 9/22), with Osprey Rafting Co. from Leavenworth.
Osprey packs up all their gear and sets up shop on the Tieton River just outside of Yakima for the entire month of September. Rimrock Lake, on Hwy12, stores water all summer for the autumn dam release and the fun begins.
According to the guides at Osprey, the water velocity creates 12 miles of fast technical whitewater in Class III rapids. You will get wet.
Thankfully, they provide you with dry suits.
The lake will be extra full this year and is expected to run at a high flow this season for a fast, fun ride!
Osprey will outfit you with everything you need for your whitewater river adventure: wetsuits, paddles, helmets, and PFDs. Before you hit the water, one of the experienced guides will teach you how to paddle, which all raft riders are expected to do their share of while on the river.
The company runs the river on Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday. Custom trips may be scheduled for your group Tuesday - Thursday.
Osprey Rafting does offer free camping the night before the trip.
The Tieton River Trip is 12 miles long, on Hwy 12, 12 miles west of Hwy 410 junction.
- $78.56 with BBQ day of the trip and free camping
- Meet Time: Fri & Mon 10:00am - Sat & Sun 9:30am & 1:30pm
- Length 12 miles of continuous white water
- Level: Class III
- Age Limit: Ages 12 & Up
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