Hundreds of drivers in Yakima are finding out the hard way what happens when you don't drive the posted speed limit. Yakima Police emphasis patrols continue with the help of Yakima residents who post problem traffic areas on the YPD Facebook page. Capt. Jay Seely says people tell them where they believe they need officers help with speeding or other traffic problems and officers respond by concentrating traffic control in those specific areas. He says the emphasis patrols that started earlier this year will continue through the spring and summer. Every week officers choose an area either from the YPD Facebook page or an area where they've found traffic problems themselves. On average police are making some 200 stops every week. Some drivers are getting warnings some are being cited.
Authorities say there are two main reasons for the high number of collisions, inattention to what other drivers are doing and following too close to other vehicles.
Over the last week officers have been busy working near city construction projects to keep construction workers safe and remind drivers about the hazards. Two major construction sites are now open in the city. Work on Mead Avenue from Fair Avenue to 18th Street is expected to be finished by May 14. The roadway is being replaced and police say they've been trying to educate drivers about speed near the construction zone. Officers are also working near the construction on North First Street where crews are also removing and building a new roadway. Capt. Jay Seely says they're just asking drivers to slow down and watch for workers near the construction zones.

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