Porn Tax Proposed for Border Wall
Republican Rep. Gail Griffin from Arizona has introduced House Bill 2444, that would charge people in the state a $20 fee to access "offending material," aka porn, on their own devices. The bill, which is called the Human Trafficking and Child Exploitation Prevention Act, includes a stipulation that all devices that access the internet will be required to have porn blocker software pre-installed. Distributors would face a Class 1 misdemeanor for failing to follow the new law. Consumers would have to pay $20 to remove this governmental V-chip in order to get the content that would help them drain their own personal swamp. This law would be limited to Arizona, but for how long?
Why impose a tax on our net browsing freedom, much like a ransom-ware computer virus? Well according to the lawmaker, the money would be used to help fund a border wall. Proving some lawmakers will do anything to get it erect ... the wall that is.
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