Selah History Teacher Makes Learning a Blast [VIDEO]
History has always been one of my favorite subjects. I hated learning the dates of things, but exploring the past has always fascinated me. My favorite part of history is learning about our military and all of the different wars that we have been in.
Selah Junior High teacher Bryan Dibble makes learning about the past feel as if we were all there.
Dibble most recently was in the Veterans Day parade in downtown Yakima. He had his students walk with him in the parade. From his own collection, Dibble dressed them in every aspect of the military and all wars that we have had to endure. All the way from the Civil War, World War I and up to the current action in Iraq and Afghanistan. He even had original outfits of medics and nurses.
You will see in this video how much fun he and the kids had as they learned to respect the heroes and the history behind them.
He really should be Teacher of the Millennium!